Ein Knowledge Graph ist eine innovative Methode zur Strukturierung und Organisation von Informationen. Er ermöglicht es, Daten und deren Zusammenhänge in einem Graphenmodell zu erfassen, was effektives Navigieren und Verstehen komplexer Informationssysteme ermöglicht.

Unsere Expertise

Unser Team verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Implementierung von Knowledge Graph-Lösungen. Wir unterstützen Sie bei der Strukturierung Ihrer Informationen, der Modellierung von Zusammenhängen und der Entwicklung von Anwendungen, die auf Ihrem Knowledge Graph aufbauen.

Vorteile eines Knowledge Graphs

  • Besseres Verständnis komplexer Informationen und Zusammenhänge
  • Effiziente Navigation und Exploration von Daten
  • Möglichkeiten zur Automatisierung von Prozessen und Wissensmanagement

Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Knowledge Graph-Dienstleistungen und wie wir Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Daten optimal zu nutzen. ```

Complex relations in RDF

The simple subject-predicate-object data model of RDF tempts us to treat relationships and verbs as simple predicates or properties/properties.

However, this often does not do justice to reality.

For example, if we are collecting data on employment relationships or project contractors, a first approach might be:

Explaining OWL: use 'set' for 'class', it's more precise and less likely to be confused with OO classes

Today I listened to the workshop "Democratize the Knowledge Graph and Concrete Tooling Requirements" by Adam Keresztes at the 2023 Knowledge Graph Conference in NYC.

Different people there emphasized the difficulty of explaining the difference between classes and instances to non-ontologists.

Which had me reflecting on how I work with this terminology, and I found that I tend to use 'set' instead of 'class'.

Investment protection: an important advantage of RDF and SPARQL

A current customer project has once again shown me two important advantages of the W3C standards around semantic technologies and graph data:

  • Stability, in the sense of portability of data and queries
  • Choice of products between which I can exchange my data and queries
  • And thus an investment protection that proprietary graph databases do not offer


Why RDF? Because it protects your investment!

Business Knowledge Blueprints

Business knowledge blueprints are a powerful tool for identifying the basic structure and requirements of a business. By working with a coach or facilitator to create a business model blueprint, organizations can gain a clearer understanding of their business model and how it fits into the broader market.

RDF, OWL, and SHACL are powerful formalisms that can be used to express and analyze the results of a business knowledge blueprint coaching or workshop. These formalisms allow businesses to represent and manipulate data in a structured and meaningful way, enabling them to make more informed decisions about their business model and strategy.

Logic, Semantic and Data Modeling

Logic and semantics play a critical role in data modeling, as they help to structure and organize data in a clear and meaningful way. By using logical and semantically rich data models, businesses and organizations can better understand and utilize their data to make informed decisions and drive growth.

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